WSSCC Progress Report 2000-2003: Of the People, By the People, For the People

Penerbit:Switzerland, Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC), 33 hal
No. Klasifikasi:350.007 6 WAT w
Kata Kunci:progress report, WSSCC, 2000-2003
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL

Daftar isi:


Opening Note

Phases and Progression

2000-2003: WSSCC programme in review

Advocacy, communication and mobilisation

Thematic activities

Regional and National Activities

Final words


WSSCC governance and management structure Steering committee

WSSCC Secretariat

Regional and National Representatives

 Thematic Working Groups


Financial overview

Global WASH Forum, Dakar, Senegal


Post Date : 26 Februari 2007