WHO Technical Note for Emergencies 8: Disposal of dead bodies in emergency conditions

Pengarang:Julie Fisher & Bob Reed
Penerbit:UK, Water, Engineering and Development Centre Loughborough University (WEDC), 2009, 4 hal
Tahun Terbit:Th. 2009
No. Klasifikasi:363.728 FIS w
Kata Kunci:leaflet, technical notes WHO, emergency, solid waste management, disposal dead bodies
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL, Telp.021-31904113, Digilib WEDC, http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk/

Dealing with the dead is one of the most difficult aspects of a disaster response. This is not usually due to health-related risks, which are likely to be negligible, but to the social and political impact of the trauma.
This techical notes outlines the health implications of dealing with mass fatalities and priority actions that need to be considered when planning for the collection and disposal of the dead.


Health risks from mass fatalities

Priority tasks

Dealing with medical emergencies

Missing persons

Post Date : 09 Oktober 2009