A turkey processing plant was surveyed to identify water use and organic waste loads generated at different stages of processing. The study also included a feasibility study of water and waste reduction options with projected annual cost savings. This publication demonstrates the pollution prevention programs can payoff for turkey processors. This publication provides the materials and methods which is used for the study, the result of the study (average water use / 3 days, average COD values / 3 days, average concentration of the wastewater effluent / 3 days, water flowrates by sample location, daily waste loads generated at several process location, value of water conservation for turkey processors, and value of waste load reduction for turkey processors), and wastewater reduction hints for turkey processor. Pustaka ini tersedia di Perpustakaan DML (Dana Mitra Lingkungan), Telp: 021-7248884/5 (Bpk.Eko)
Post Date : 03 Desember 2008