Water Supply and Sanitation Assessment in Thailand (Draft 1): Executive Summary

Penerbit:Departement of Health, Ministry of Public Health, 58 hal + lamp
No. Klasifikasi:623.854 DEP w
Kata Kunci:assessment report, water supply & sanitation, AMPL, Thailand, summary, draft
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL, Telp. 021-31904113

The Country-level Water Supply and Sanitation Assessment report of Thailand is the Joint Monitoring Programme of World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children Emergency Funds (UNICEF) cooperates with Thailand, by lead government agency, Departement of Health, Ministry of Public Health. Access to water supply and sanitation is the fundamental need and human right. It is vital for the dignity and health of the people. The health and economic benefits of water supply and sanitation to households and individual, especially in children, are well documented. Of special importance to the poor are the time saving, convenience and dignity that improved water supply and sanitation represent. Those without access are the poorest and least powerful. Access for the poor is a key factor in improving health and economic productivity and is therefore an essential component of any effort to alleviate poverty.
The objectives of the country-level water supply and sanitation assessment report of Thailand are:
1. To provide an analysis of water supply and sanitation situation in Thailand at the end of year 2000
2. Data and information collected and analyzed from water supply and sanitation situation in Thailand at the end of the yaer 2000 will be the part of analysis for Global Water supply and sanitation assessment 2000 report in order to review priorities, analyze problems and make recommendations that support the development objectives of Thailand and respective countries.
3. To clarify any ambiguities that may exist in the data and information collected in Thailand report for the Global Assessment 2000.

The country-level water supply and sanitation assessment report of Thailand uses the guidelines of WHO and UNICEF in collecting data and information especially the existing data and information including the 1999 WHO/UNICEF questionnaire in preparation for the Global Water Supply and Sanitation Assessment 2000 Report.

Daftar Isi:

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. Background
2.1 General Information of Thailand
2.2 Quality of Life and Social Situation
2.3 Water Source for consumption and management of water resource
2.4 Investment in Water Supply

Chapter 3. Institutional Structure of the Sector
3.1 Water Supply
3.2 Sanitation

Chapter 4. Situation of the Drinking Water and Sanitation Services
4.1 Quality of Services analysis
4.2 Hygiene
4.3 Attainment and accessibility of water supply and sanitation

Chapter 5. Relation of Water and sanitation services with health, environment, and social and economic development
5.1 Impacts of water supply and sanitation to health
5.2 Impacts of water supply and sanitation to environment
5.3 Health promotion role and improvement of health behavior support water supply and sanitation
5.4 Analysis of equity in water supply provision accessibility
5.5 Impact of water supply and sanitation in economic aspect
5.6 Impacts of water supply and sanitation to health and environment the future trend

Chapter 6. Analysis of Strengths and Critical Aspects, and Plan and Strategies for Development of the Sector
6.1 Analysis of strong and weak point in water supply provision
6.2 Factors effecting on success of the imploration bath efficiency and effectiveness
6.3 Important country level project in water supply

Chapter 7. Recommendation and future prospects

Appendix 1. Agencies function on drilling and underground water development in Thailand
Appendix 2. Guidelines for Rural Drinking-Water Quality, 1988

Post Date : 28 Januari 2009