Makalah ini terdapat di dalam buku: Kumpulan Makalah Tema Air Dan Budaya Dalam Seminar Nasional HAri Air Sedunia ke 14, Th. 2006, Jakarta, 25 April 2006 Gedung Sapta Taruna DPU.abstrakMonitoring and studies on water quality had been done since decades by various institutions, for different purposes and objectives, using different method and parameters. However, there are still lack of coordination and integration, and the result of monitoring are not properly distributed among the institutions and desiminated to users. The result of monitoring on river water quality which had been conducted in saveral provinces shoved that most rivers have been polluted as the result of improper disposal of domestic, industry of river water, beside to keep maintaning good management of water quantity. Public awareness ned to be highly motivated and reward system should be effectively implemented, particularly the principle of "polluters pay", to achieve a better performance in the control actions and menegement of water quality.
Post Date : 12 Desember 2006