Water & Cities

Penerbit:Kenya, UN-Habitat United nations Human settlements Programme, 2003, 1CD
Tahun Terbit:Th. 2003
No. Klasifikasi:363.61 UNI w
Kata Kunci:CD, water supply, UN Habitat
Lokasi:http://www.unhabitat.org, perpustakaan AMPL
Kategori:Compact Disc

The worlds government commitment to halving the number of people who lack access to safe drinking wter by 2015 in the millinium development goals bring with in an urgent need for more information. In a rapidly urbanizing world, one of providing dean water and sanitation to the urban poor.

This CD-ROM fills an important gap in the available information required to implement this target. Though the publications enclosed here, it highlights UN-HABITATAs work to improve access to water and sanitation in many of the worlds poorest urban areas.

Post Date : 05 Mei 2005