This paper is based on the findings of recent feasibility studies assessing the potential for centralized (treating several facilities’ industrial wastewater) or joint (treating industrial and residential effluents) wastewater management in two Asian developing countries. In light of the current interest in this approach, it is expected that this review will disseminate the initial findings which could be useful to those making decisions on these types of wastewater management schemes over the next two or three years. This work will be followed by monitoring and evaluation of these wastewater treatment schemes after their implementation. The feasibility studies were conducted in five industrial zones, two in the Greater Colombo (Sri Lanka) area and three in the Jakarta (Indonesia) area. Table of Contents: Foreword Preface Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Data Note Introduction The Study Areas Polluter Inventory Technical Options Ownership, Management, and Financing Cost Recovery and Tariff Structure Regulatory Framework Appendix A: Polluter Inventory Appendix B: Cost Summary Appendix C: Survey Site Maps Figures Maps Tables Textboxes
Post Date : 23 April 2008