Vietnam: Evolving Management Models for Small Towns Water Supply in a Transitional Economy

Pengarang:Van den Berg, Caroline
Penerbit:Jakarta, Water and Sanitation Program, Th. 2002. 22 hal
Tahun Terbit:2002
No. Klasifikasi:333. 91 BER v
Kata Kunci:Water supply, Vietnam
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL
Kategori:Studi Kasus
Acces to water supply services in Vietnam, not to mention sanitation service, is still rudimentary in small towns and even more so in townlets and communes. According to Ministry of construction only 30 percent of small towns have piped water sysytems. Most piped water system cover only a fraction of the populations is small towns and townlets.

It is not obvious from the research undertaken that any one of the small towns water supply management models is out performing any of the others. Some management models do better in some aspects than others, but this is again the background of sample that flaws and with a dataset that suffers from inconsistencies, especialy with regard to the financial data collected.


Executive Summary
I. Introduction
II. Methodology
III. Performance of Management Models
IV. Operational Performances
V. Financial Performances
VI. Social Performances
VII. Institutional Performances
VIII. Conclusions and Recommendations
Annex 1

Post Date : 14 September 2006