Urban Water Demand Management and Planning

Pengarang:Baumann, Duane D ; Boland, John J ; Hanemann, W. Michael
Penerbit:MCGraw Hill, Inc, Th. 1997, 300 hal
No. Klasifikasi:333. 912 Bau U
Lokasi:Perpustakaan KLH
This Book provides critical reviews of new and emerging methods and shows how they may be incorporate into integrated resources planning, including supply management, and how their effectiveness in practice has been and may be evaluated. The analytical frameworks are complemented by a realistic appraisal of how efforts at demand managemet fare ub the daily political and adminstrative life of a growing city.CONTENTS:1. The Case For Managing Urban Water2. Determinants of Urban Water Use3. Forecasting Urban Water Use: Theory and Principles4. Forecasting Urban Water Use: Models and applications5. Price and Rate Structures6. Forms and functions of Water Princing: An Overview7. Phonix Changes Water Rates from Increasing Blocks to Uniform Price8. Trends in Revenues and Expenditures for Water and Sewer Services: Implications for Demend Management9. Demand Management Planning Methods10. Demand Management Program Evaluation Methods11. Integrating Water Supply and Water Demand Management12. Applicationof Integrated Resources Planning approach to Urban Drought

Post Date : 04 Agustus 2006