Providing water supply and sanitation services in towns presents special challenges. Towns comprise between 20 % and 40 % of the population in many low- and middle-income countries. Both the number of towns and the number of people living in them are expected to double within 15 years, and again within 30 years. This CD-ROM contains a number of reports from the Town Water Supply and Sanitation Initiative. The Initiative Project aimed to identify, document, and develop appropriate management and institutional approaches for town water supply and sanitation services in developing countries. The CD-ROM puts forward a comprehensive and iterative planning approach for setting targets and mobilizing the resources necessary to achieve them. It integrates decisions about management models, technical design, financial planning, and professional support options into a coherent process. The accompanying guidance manual and training modules provide step-by-step advice on how to implement the approach. Volume 1: Principles of Town Water Supply and Sanitation Part 1: Water Supply Part 2: Sanitation Volume 2: Business Planning for Town Water Services-Guidance Manual Module 0: Foundations for Town Water Supply Module 1: Identify Critical Issues and Prioritize Interventions Module 2: Prepare the Business Plan Module 3: Formalize relationships and implement arrangements Volume 3: Town Water Supply and Sanitation Companion Papers Series A: Characteristics of Towns Series B: Management Models for Town Water Supply and Sanitation Series C: Professional Support Arrangements
Post Date : 03 April 2009