Sustainable Environmental Sanitation and Water Services: Proceedings of the 28th WEDC Conference

Pengarang:Brian Reed (ed.)
Tahun Terbit:2003
No. Klasifikasi:623.854 REE s
Kata Kunci:prosiding, sanitation & water - sustainability, WEDC conference 28th
Lokasi:situs WEDC (Water, Engineering and Development Centre) Lougborough University

This book comprises the edited Proceedings of the 28th WEDC Conference held in Kolkata (Calcutta), India in November 2002. It presents over one hundred and forty papers relating to subjects including sanitation, hygiene promotion, solid waste management, environment, wastewater, water resources and water supply, including management, financial, institutional and community issues, as well as keynote addresses.

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Post Date : 09 Oktober 2008