Sanitation Now, special edition 2008 UN International Year of Sanitation ”Money Down the Drain“

Penerbit:Sweden, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), 2008, 20 hal
Tahun Terbit:Th. 2008
No. Klasifikasi:011.34 SAN m
Kata Kunci:majalah, Sanitation Now, global sanitation crisis, SEI
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL

In this magazine you will meet people facing up to the challenges. Young Ugandan student Jennifer Akello is thrilled with her school’s new sustainable toilets. Their installation has inspired her and she wants to becoe a doctor. From London come the revelation that the great city has an ancient, crumbling sewerage system. From Brazil and Britain: innovative ideas on how to cope with flooding.
Climate change will transform the way we look at sanitation. It’s not just a poverty issue. In a world of more frequent floods, even wealthy nations have to revise their sanitary solutions.

Post Date : 18 Juli 2008