![]() This book provides easy-to-use tools for assessing sanitation, water supply and handwashing facilities in primary schools in Africa so that appropriate decisions can be made about sanitation improvements. It also presents guidelines for rehabilitating or decommissioning existing latrines; for choosing the right type of latrine where new facilities are required; for siting latrines appropriately within a school compound; and for the operation and maintenance of these facilities. A number of low-cost latrine designs suitable for many rural and peri-urban locations in Africa are included. There are also guidelines to encourage handwashing with soap. Written in a readable style and copiously illustrated, the book has been designed for a wide range of staff from agencies and government who have professional responsibilities for the provision of education and health throughout Africa. These include technical, design and architecture departments within ministries of education; district or local government education teams; district education officers and school inspectors working closely with school managers, headteachers and school communities; ministries of health; national and local water and sanitation agencies; and local and international non-governmental organizations specializing in water and sanitation. Selengkapnya lihat di.... http://wedc.lboro.ac.uk/publications/details.php book=978-1-84380-127-6&keyword=%sanitation%&subject=0&sort=TITLE
Post Date : 09 Oktober 2008 |