Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Fund Development Board: Institutional Profile

Penerbit:Kathmandu, Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Fund Development Board, March 2007, ii + 20 hal
No. Klasifikasi:338.76 RUR r
Kata Kunci:institutional profile, Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Fund Development Board
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL, Telp. 021 - 31904113

Clean drinking water and sanitation are of primary concern in terms of health improvement, environment protection and poverty alleviation. Since clean water and sanitation are basic rights, GoN is commited to deliver such services to its people. Access to clean water and sanitation is not a technical issue but it is also a crucial component of social and economic development. Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Fund Development Board (The Board) has been extending such sustainable and socially acceptable services with the support of partner organizations including prime role of the concerned communities. The Board has delivered water and sanitation facilities to around 0.6 million rural people in RWSSP-I and it is targeted to deliver such facilities to more than 0.8 million rural people in RWSSP-II.
This document is an attempt to spread the message of successful demand driven and participatory approach, working modalities, community procurement and financial transparency and all about the Board. This document may help to understand about the Bord’s implementation procedures that could be internalized and consolidated in water supply and sanitation sector as well as as other development sectors.




Key Strategy and Working Modality

Organization and Management

Program Component

Scheme Cycle

Program Implementation

Eligibility Criteria for Support Organization

Scheme Eligibility Criteria

Social Inclusion

Finance Transparency

Monitoring, Evaluation and Supervision

Role of Women in Scheme Implementation

Promotion of Private Sector

Coordination and Linkage

Materials for Sharing

Sources of Funding


Post Date : 02 April 2009