Restoration of Four Major Rivers (Revival of Rivers: A New Korea)

Penerbit:The Republic of Korea
No. Klasifikasi:551.483 REP r
Kata Kunci:restoration 4 major river, Korea, restorasi sungai
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL, Telp. 021 - 31904113

Recently, droughts and floods have been occuring more often and the damage they cause has been increasing as well. In addition, water shortages and pollution are critical issues that need to be urgently addressed. To revive rivers abandoned for a long time and resolve water-related crisis for future, a more aggressive paradigm for water resources management is demanded. The function and role of rivers can be compared to the veins of the body.
The four major rivers restoration project is a comprehensive undertaking aimed at enhancing the quality of the environment around the rivers, which has been ignored up to now, and resolving water-related problems stemming from climate change. The project will turn the rivers into multi-purpose spaces where people can live in harmony with nature. It will also contribute to local economies and culture, as local residents will be able to make use of new infrastructure facilities and the riverside landscape.
Other rivers  not included in this project will be reengineered in stages under a comprehensive plan to be separately formulated. The four major rivers restoration project can be said to be a future-oriented environmental plan that will bring about huge social, economic and cultural impacts. It was conceived with a view toward promoting balanced regional development and laying a foundation for green growth. This project will protect Korea from droughts and floods. Korea will be able to stand tall as a global leader in water management based on the technologies and know-how accumulated through the project.


President’s Remarks

Excerpts from International Newspapers

Photo Essay

The Han River: A River for Recreational Activities

The Nakdong River: A Clean River

The Geum River: A River for Cultural Activities

Yeongsan River: A Vibrant Haven for Wildlife and Tourists

16 Movable weirs nationwide for more effective response against floods and droughts

Weirs to be built in the four major rivers

A New Eco-friendly Paradigm

Success Stories

Post Date : 19 Mei 2010