Finding ways to dispose of contaminated waste with minimal impact on the environment is one of the biggest issues facing industry today. Even wastewater can present a disposal problem for manufacturers. After water is used for cleaning in some types of manufacturing, it can be hazardous and must be disposed of properly-often at great expense. For example, large quantities of contaminated wastewater are produced in the automotive coatings manufacturing process. Until 1992, PPG Industries, Inc.'s automobile coatings plant in Cleveland, Ohio disposed of 400,000 gal of contaminated water each year. Then, PPG developed combined ultrafiltration/reverse osmosis (UF/RO) process to reduce the amount of contaminated wastewater. This report provides the estimation of energy savings, environmental benefits and economic savings that can be achieved by the using of combined ultrafiltration/reverse osmosis (UF/RO) process. Pustaka ini tersedia di Perpustakaan DML (Dana Mitra Lingkungan), Telp: 021-7248884/5 (Bpk.Eko)
Post Date : 02 Desember 2008