![]() This book is an outcome of delibarations and papaers that were presented at the International Conference on Re-appraising the Urban Planning Process as an Instrument for Sustainable Urban development and Management that was held at Nairobi, Kenya, from 3 to 7 October 1994. The Conference was jointly organised by the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat), the Urban Management programme (UMP) and the Housing and Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO) of India. In all thirty five papers were presented but only twenty one have been published, some after heavy editing. Table of Contents: Figures 1. Introduction 2. Re-appraising the Urban Planning Process as an instrument for Sustainable Urban Development and Management: A Review (Clarke, G) 3. Urban Planning in the Asian Region: An Evaluation (Dharmarajan, K., Kapoor; R.M. and Anand P.B) 4. Evaluative Review of Urban Planning Practice and Experiences in Africa (Akach, O.S) 5. An Evaluation of Physical Planning Strategies and Programmes for Housing the Urban Poor in Botswana (Mosha, A.C) 6. The Provision of Secure Tenure for Informal Urban Settlements in Namibia (De-Kock, J) 7. Urban Blight and Local Planning Strategies for the Metropolitan Centre: The Experience of Santiago, Chile (Valenzuela, J.G) 8. Non-Motorized Transport as a Sustainable Transport System in Nairobi (Obiero, S) 9. The Application of Urban Transportation Modelling Systems to the DEveloping World: The path to unsustainability (Zegress, C) 10. GTZ - Experience as Technical Co-Operation Agency Implementing Urban Planning Programmes and Projects (Reichenbach, E) 11. Integrating Disaster Mitigation and Recovery Concepts into the Physical Planning Process (Armillas, I) 12. The Reform of Urban Land POlicies in Developing Countries: A Review of Contemporary Policy Proposals with Special Reference to Belieze (Brown, D.F and Wolfe,J.M) 13. Imtegrating Environmental with Physical Planning (Mbogua, J.P) 14. Urban Environmental Problems, planning and Management: the case of Addis Ababa (Gebeyehu, Y) 15. INter-sectoral Coordination in the Planning and Implementation of Sustainable Human Settlements in DEvelopment and Management (Ribeiro, E.F.N and Lall, V.D) 16. Sustainable Cities Planning: The case of Dar es Salaam (Kessy, A.G) 17. Towards Participatory Planning for Urban Development (Town Planning Department, Kenya) 18. Development Plans - A Planning Tool for Sustainable Urban Development in Malaysia (Dato' Zainuddin Bin Muhammad) 19. A review of Regional Development in Malaysia (Salleh, G) 20. Towards a Framework for Spatial Development in the Baltic Sea Area (Lowendahl, B.et.al) 21. Education in Urban Environmental Planning - Conceptual and Contextual aspects (Kibe-Muigai) 22. Making Planning Education Relevant: Case Study from Kenya (Dr. E.N. Ndegwa) 23. Planning Education in Venezuela (Barios, S) 24. Planning Education in Sri Lanka (A. L.S. Perera) 25. Integrated Urban-Rural Regional Development Planning (Z.Z. Gigaw) Post Date : 24 Februari 2010 |