Despite the lack of regulations and incentives, many players in Bali’s tourism industry have been proactive in establishing sustainable tourism practices. Like many locations that have experienced recent rapid growth, Bali faces a number of acute environmental issues such as pollution, loss of important natural systems and inappropriate development, which need urgent addressing. However, climate change looms large on this small island’s horizon and will add increased pressure to these existing threats. Bali’s economy is almost entirely reliant on a robust tourism industry and the tourism industry in turn relies on the health of Bali’s natural assets. How the threats posed by climate change are managed may have a dramatic impact on the future viability of Bali’s tourism industry. This report concludes that the leaders of the tourism industry have a vital role to play in protecting Bali’s environment, while also protecting their industry. They will need to harness the momentum of global public concern of climate change to unite their industry in a sustained effort to reduce their ecological footprint and plan for a changing future. Pustaka ini tersedia di Perpustakaan WWF-Indonesia, Kantor Taman A9, Unit A-1, Jl. Mega Kuningan Lot 8-9/A9, Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Jakarta 12950. Post Date : 24 November 2008 |