Raising Clean Hands: Call to Action for WASH in Schools Advocacy Pack 2010

Penerbit:WASH in School UNICEF, 32 hal
No. Klasifikasi:613 UNI r
Kata Kunci:WASH in Schools, advocacy pack 2010, pendidikan kesehatan, sekolah sehat, promosi kesehatan, kesehatan umum & perorangan
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL, Telp. 021 - 31904113

This advocacy pack has been developed to inform and support in planning and conducting your own advocacy activities for raising the profile of WASH in Schools in your country or region in parallel with global advocacy efforts.


I.    About ’Raising Clean Hands’ – Call to Action for WASH in Schools, 2010

II.    WASH in Schools – The Basics
     The Six Key Messages of the Call to Action for WASH in Schools

III.    Key Facts about WASH in Schools – Four facts that can be adapted to your context

IV.    FACTS Worksheets for WASH in Schools – Designed for planning and sharing
1.    Children’s health
2.    School attendance and achievement
3.    Gender equality and equity
4.    Children are agents of change
5.    Key dates: 2010 calendar of WASH in Schools events

V.    Advocacy – Innovative ideas and specific steps for planning and implementing your Call to Action for WASH in Schools initiative
A.    Advocacy Planning Cycle: Essential steps
B.    Answer these key questions, then plan your activities:
1.    Identify the issues: What do we want to change
2.    Analyse the data: What do we already know, and what information can we use Table: Essential Steps in Managing WASH in Schools Programming
3.    Set objectives: What are our specific advocacy objectives
4.    Identify targets: Whom do we want to influence
5.    Identify allies: With whom can we work
6.    Select tools and develop messages: How can we best reach our Targets
7.    Monitor and evaluate: How we measure the impact of our activities

VI.    Success Depends on You – A table of actions for stakeholders

VII.    Questions and Answers

VIII.    Resources
A.    Press Release Template
B.    Call to Action for WASH in Schools Website
C.    More Useful Websites

Post Date : 04 Mei 2010