Principles of Town Water Supply and Sanitation, Part 2: Sanitation (Water Working Notes No.14, December 2007)

Pengarang:Kevin Tayler
Penerbit:Washington DC, Water Sector Board of the Sustainable Development Network of the World Bank Group, 2007, iii + 35 hal
Tahun Terbit:Th. 2007
No. Klasifikasi:363.72 TAY p
Kata Kunci:paper, sanitation - town, water working notes, December 2007
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL, Telp. 021-31904113

These guidelines are about planning strategically for improved sanitation in small towns. They have been developed in the context of the World Bank’s Town Water Supply and Sanitation Initiative (TWSSI) and are intended for general use. They are intended primarily for consultants and government officials who provide advice to municipalities on sanitation issues. However, they may also be usefully read by political leaders and representatives of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) with an interest in sanitation.
The guidelines are divided into four sectors. This introductory section includes basic definitions, a brief review of why sanitation is important, why planning is needed, what is meant by strategic planning, and why it is important to take a strategic approach. Section 2, Basic Concepts and Principles, sets out basic concepts and principles, stressing the need to be clear about objectives but also to base planning proposals on a sound assessment of the existing situation. Section 3, The Planning Process, deals with the planning process, what action needs to be taken and, at least as important, when does it need to be taken , and Section 4, Implementing the Plan, is concerned with the action to be taken to ensure that the plan is implemented.

Table of Contents:



Acronyms and Abbreviations

1. Introduction

2. Basic Concepts and Principles

3. The Planning Process

4. Implementing The Plan

Appendix: Contents of Volume 2 and 3 (Available on CD-ROM)


Post Date : 01 Juli 2009