Minister of Health Decree Number 852/2008 National Strategy for Community Based Total Sanitation

Penerbit:Jakarta, Department of Health Republic Indonesia, 2009, i + 11 hal
No. Klasifikasi:363.7 DEP m
Kata Kunci:national strategy for community based total sanitation, STBM sanitasi total berbasis masyarakat
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL, Telp. 021 - 31904113

Community-Based Total Sanitation, which is later called CBTS, is an approach to change people’s hygiene and sanitation behavior through community empowerment by employing a triggering method.
This National Strategy for Community-Based Total Sanitation is used for reference in planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the community-based total sanitation Program.


I.    Introduction
A.    Background
B.    Aim and Objectives
C.    Definitions

II.    Issues and Challenges

III.    National Strategy
A.    Create a conducive environment
B.    Increase demand
C.    Improve supply
D.    Knowledge management
E.    Financing
F.    Monitoring and Evaluation

IV.    Development of Work Plan and Indicators
A.    Work plan
B.    Indicators

V.    Role and Responsibility of Stakeholders

VI.    Closing

Post Date : 19 Mei 2010