Manual for The Educational PC Game on Children’s Environmental Health

Penerbit:World Health Organization, Regional Office for South East Asia, 2005, 30 hal + CD
Tahun Terbit:Th. 2005
No. Klasifikasi:628.1 WOR m
Kata Kunci:children’s environmental health, manual, educational game
Lokasi:Perpustakaan Direktorat Perumahan & Permukiman, Bappenas 193-05

Enviro is a game to sensitize children about the environment. It is an info pack on various environmental issues presented in an enjoyable and challenging way that follows the play way principle of learning. The game intends to make the children understand various environmental problems and also make them aware of possible solutions. It addresses the main environmental factors that affect health in the three settings where children live, learn and play: home, school and community.

Post Date : 21 April 2008