Learning What Works for Sanitation: Revisiting sanitation successes in Cambodia

Penerbit:Jakarta, Water and Sanitation Program East Asia and the Pacific, 2002, 36 hal
Tahun Terbit:2002
No. Klasifikasi:363. 72 WAT l
Kata Kunci:studi kasus, sanitasi, Cambodia
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL
Kategori:Studi Kasus
This report is based on site reports, photographs and participatory assessment result from communities, recorded by researchers from SAWAC (a local consulting agency) and the Ministry of Rural Development- from the central government level and the Provincial Departments of Rural Development of Kompong Spue and Battambang. The study was carried out under the overall management and supervision of the PCB project, and Leo Goulet, CTA to the Project.

Introduction - A Quest for Understanding
1. Who has Access to Sanitation
2. What Factors Influenced Demand for Household Toilets
3. Was There a Change in Sanitation Behavior 4. What Benefits Matter Most to Users
5. Was Sanitation Coverage Linked to Hygiene Awareness and Practices
6. What Factors Influence Behavior Change
Lessons Learned
Annexure A

Post Date : 01 Januari 2004