Green Growth

Penerbit:Ministry of Environment Republic of Korea, 22 hal
No. Klasifikasi:628 MIN g
Kata Kunci:lingkungan, green growth, Korea
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL, Telp. 021-31904113

Green Growth is a new paradigm for sustainable national development where green technologies and clean energy sources reduce green house gas emissions and environmental degradation while creating jobs and new growth engines.

Table of Contents:

What is Green Growth

Why Green Growth

How to Achieve Green Growth
- Korea’s New Growth Engines in Six Areas
- New Growth Engines in Environment
- National Strategies for Climate Change
- Countermeasures for Climate Change
- MOE’s Key Policies Against Climate Change
- Green Infrastructure Creation
- Green Life-Style Promotion

Green Growth in 2012

Post Date : 27 Juli 2009