Considerable confusion has arisen about what regulation means in the context of water supply and sanitation (WSS) services. In particular, there are questions about the application of the “independent regulator” model to WSS in the developing world. What types of problems can it can address effectively What is its relevance, especially as provision and oversight of these services are often the responsibility of subnational governments with limited resources The Explanatory Notes on Key Topics in the Regulation of Water and Sanitation Services provide a consistent set of principles and practices that respond to these questions. Such information will be of interest to service providers, policy makers, and development practitioners interested in improving the performance of WSS services in urban areas.
Table of Contents:
Note 1 – Defining Economic Regulation for Water Supply Services
Note 2 – Designing Economic Regulation for Water Supply Services: A Framework
Note 3 – Choosing Organizations and Instruments for Economic Regulation of water Supply Services
Note 4 – Regulation and Private Participation Contracts
Note 5 – Cost of Service and Tariffs for water Utilities
Note 6 – Regulating Government-Owned Water Utilities
Note 7 – Regulating Wastewater Services in Developing Countries
Post Date : 03 Juli 2009