Ecosan - Closing the loop (proceedings of the 2nd international

Pengarang:Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, 2004
Penerbit:German, GTZ, 2004. 1004 hal
Tahun Terbit:Th. 2004
No. Klasifikasi:363. 72 GES e
Kata Kunci:Proceeding Ecological Sanitasi
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL

The Third World Water Forum provided a major opprtunity to put ecological sanitation onto the global agenda. A series of key workshop and lecture session were organised in collaboration with the IWA, City of Kyoto, Japan Toilets Association and the EcoSanRes Programme. A resolution on ecosan was written and agreed to by a number of organisations including multi-lateral, bi-lateral, finance institutions, national governments, etc.

This presenteds a paradigm shift in the making where sanitation is no longer a practice of disposing human excreta in deep pits and water cources but one centred around the all-so-important relationship between humas and soil systems the 3rdWWF ministerial Declaration and Commitments from UN agencies also referred to new apportunities where positioning od ecological sanitation will be possible. The lingage to the Millenium Development Goals was also made and details desribing the roadmap ahead for the water and sanitation goals are described.

Post Date : 11 Desember 2006