Dredging and The Environment: Moving Sediments In Natural Systems (A CEDA Information Paper - December 2009)

Penerbit:The Netherlands, Central Dredging Association (CEDA), December 2009, 2 hal
Tahun Terbit:Th. 2009
Kata Kunci:dredging, Dredging and The Environment: Moving Sediments In Natural Systems
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL, www.dredging.org

Dredging is a necessary activity in civilisation’s development. In its simplest form dredging consists of the excavation of material from a sea, river or lake bed and the relocation of the excavated material elsewhere. It is commonly used to improve the navigable depths in ports, harbours and shipping channels, as a tool in water and flood management, creation of new lands and natural habitats, or to win minerals from underwater deposits. Dredging is therefore of crucial importance for sustainable development of nature resources, economic values and human quality of life.

Dredging is a pre-requisite for sustainable development and improvement of nature resources, economic values and human quality of life.

Present day management strategies involve the implementation of control measures to avoid-, mitigate- orcompensate- project impacts based on a sound assessment of anticipated and evaluated environmental effects.

Dredging operations are carried out in full compliance with relevant legislation. It is important that during further development of the legislative framework the necessity of dredging and the usefulness of dredged material is recognised. EU adopted this insight and excluded dredged materials from the scope of the EU waste directive if they are proved to be non-hazardous.

The relocation of dredged material into the aquatic system will help maintain the natural sediment balance. It is an important environmental and economic resource, and use of dredged material should be encouraged by legislation.

Present day dredging projects should be conscious of the natural environment and work in line with nature to optimize designs and working methods.

Post Date : 27 Mei 2010