![]() The World Bank has been financing projects aimed at supporting municipal development for some 20 years. This book presents and analyzes the concrete results of four successfull projects in Brazil and the Philippines. This is the first time the Bank has disseminated an assessment of the medium-term impacts of these operations to a wider readership. The study grew out of recently completed performance audits of municipal development projects in Brazil and the Philippines, and drew its data from many sources. The analysis was based on selected indicators drawn from a very large municipal finance database covering more than 800 municipalities over a period of seven years, and a survey of public markets in the Philippines. In addition, the study teams conducted fieldwork in Brazil and the Philippines during 1997-1998. An OED workshop held in December 1998 to discuss the study's preliminary findings was well attended by municipal development experts from across the Bank. These experts contributed further insight, which are reflected here. With evidence drawn from a very broad universe of municipalities, the study concludes that municipal development projects in Brazil and the Philippines helped to stimulate and facilitate municipal reform. Municipalities that participated in municipal development projects consistently outperformed nonparticipants on the fiscal front, the more so the deeper their engagement. Also, participating municipalities significantly improved their institutional capacity to finance and manage investment programs. The lessons drawn from this study should be useful for future policy and operations. Contents: Acknowledgments 1. Introduction 2. Evaluation Logic: Instruments and Expected Impacts 4. Impacts on Local Government Capacity Building 5. Impacts on Local Economic Development 6. Agenda for Future Operations 7. Conclusions and Lessons Annexes Endnotes Bibliography Tables Figures Post Date : 23 Agustus 2010 |