 CD ini merupakan kumpulan materi dari kegiatan Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Solutions in Developing Countries Conference and Exhibition tanggal 23-26 March 2010, di Surabaya, Indonesia.
Community Aspects - Community Managed, Self Financed Rural Sanitation Program of Sri-Lanka - Development of a Model System for Participatory Community Waste Water Treatment Using Low-cost, Space-saving Technology in Densely Populated Area of Yogyakarta Special Province (N. Tanaka*, H. Soejarwo**, A. Soejarwo**) - DEWATS capacity building for primary schools in Jordan and Palestine (J. Cardona1-2, M. van Afferden2, Bassim Abbassi3, Wasim Ali4, R. Mueller2) - Gender- and poor-inclusive community-managed sanitation and hygiene in urban Indonesia (IWA-3666) (R. Mozar * and C. Sijbesma **) Urban Sanitation Development Program (USDP) - INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT OF THE FEASIBILITY OF COMMUNITY BASED SANITATION OPTIONS: A CASE STUDY FROM EAST JAVA, INDONESIA (M. Starkl*, I. Bisschops**, A. Norström***, A. Purnomo****, A. Rumiati****, E. Soedjono****) - Comparative evaluation of community and household based sanitation systems in Ethekwini Municipality, South Africa (M. Starkl*, S. Mbatha*°, E. Roma**, P. Jeffrey**, T.A. Stenström***, D. Hawksworth***°, Teddy Gounden****) - Empowering the Urban Poor to Solve their Sanitation Problem (Yuyun, Ismawati) - Success story of a NGO managed community sanitation facilityimproving sanitation conditions in urban, densely populated, low income areas for the migrant workers of Tangerang. (Hamzah Harun Al Rasyid (Director) BEST - Bina Ekonomi Sosial Terpadu)
Mainstreaming - MAINSTREAMING DEWATS AND THE SUBSEQUENT NEED TO INTRODUCE A QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (Frank Fladerer, BORDA Indonesia) - SANIMAS approach and ISSDP’s City-wide Sanitation Strategy (CSS) - J. Sinarko Wibowo1, and Handy B. Legowo2 - Potential Regions suitable for Decentralized Wastewater Management in Jordan (M van Afferden*, J Cardona**, R Daoud***, Z El Keilani****, T Headley*, A Subah*****, R Mueller*) - City-wide Planning for Decentralized Basic Needs Services (DBNS) - A Methodology to Plan Decentralized Sanitation Solutions at City Level. P. Kraemer**, B.R. Balachandran*, S. Haran*, R. Pai***, C.F. Prochaska**, R. Sachdeva*** - Capacity Building – A Tool for Up-scaling Decentralized Sanitation Infrastructure Provision (Mr. Pedro Kraemer) - How decentralized wastewater treatment systems and community-based sanitation programs can be inter-linked into city-scale options for small & medium towns (Andreas Ulrich) - Why DEWATS is still not popular in Vietnam (Viet-Anh Nguyen- Institute of Environmental Science and Engineering (IESE), Hanoi University of Civil Engineering)
Management Options - Selecting sanitation solutions for peri-urban areas: A case study of Can Tho, Vietnam (Naomi Carrard*, Juliet Willetts*, Cynthia Mitchell*, Mick Paddon*, Monique Retamal - Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology, Sydney) - The Kecamatan and Kelurahan Sanitation Working Group as a support for the continuation of DEWATS: The case of the city of Blitar (Christiana Yuni Kusmiati - ISSDP) - Cost-effective and sustainable sanitation options (V. Guimet1, V. Fournier1, H. Le Goas4, P. Arnaud2, J.M. Audic3, J. Vuathier) - The involvement of the private sector to ensure sustainability of systems (Andreas Schroeter - Sunlabob Renewable Energy Ltd) - DEWATS - HISTORY, TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS (Andy Ulrich; Stefan Reuter; Frank Fladerer; Pedro Kraemer; Chris Buckley) - Some challenges for DEWATS approaches in South Africa (Kathy Eales)
Posters - An Example of Benefit Estimation Related with Ecological Sanitation in Rural Areas of Bangladesh (A. Sakai*, K. Takahashi** and Q. Azadzaman***) - Decentralized Sewage Treatment Plant using BIO-MODULE DEWATS Containerized (BMDC) STP (Andreas Tiara, MSc) - Low Cost Disinfecting Method Using Ti-Fe composite (M. Nara - Department of System Engineering, Tokyo University of Science, Suwa, Japan) - Reversibility of Membrane Fouling in Forward Osmosis (FO) for Wastewater Reclamation (C. H. Boo*, S. LEE*, C. W. Kim*, M. Elimelech**, S. K. Hong*) - Trickling filter pilot plant for decentralized wastewater treatment in Battambang (Cambodia) G. Kayser*, A. Kluttig*, A. Zahn*, C. Scholze**, T. Hubrig***, H. Kim Chau - The Economics of Sanitation Initiative: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Sanitation Interventions in Indonesia (A. Winara, G. Hutton, A. Weitz - WSP East Asia and the Pacific, in cooperation with PT Mitra Lingkungan Dutakonsult (MLD), Jakarta, Indonesia) - Study on Microbial Adhesion on the Membrane Surface for Water Reuse using Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (Fl-FFF) S. B. Lim*, S. Lee*, S. H. Choi*, J. H. Kuk*, J. H. Moon**, S. K. Hong* - Mechanical-Chemical Treatment of Wastewater in Vietnam (Stefania Paris*, Trinh Thi Long**, Franz Heindl***, Edna Schnell) - Raising urban sanitation profile for sanitation development in Indonesia (F, Amini and L, Imrani, Indonesia Sanitation Sector Development Program) - Minimum Service Standards for Urban Sanitation - incorporating decentralized systems (Rudi Arifin and Mohd. Khalid Arya S.) - Wastewater treatment technology options in the urban areas within current Indonesian regulations (Eddy Soedjono, PhD - Indonesian Sanitation Sector Development Program) - Wastewater Treatment Technology Options in the Urban Areas Within Current Indonesian Regulations (Eddy Soedjono - Indonesian Sanitation Sector Development Program) - Building a semi-collective sanitation system in Kayes : a project helping two districts in the fight against poor health and urban poverty (Patrick ARNAUD) - Research Plan for Implemented Anaerobic Baffled Reactors (Nicolas Reynaud, Dipl.-Ing.; Christopher A Buckley, Prof; Peter Krebs, Prof. Dr.) - Monitoring of 2 Decentralised Wastewater Treatment Plants in Yogyakarta/ Indonesia (Nicolas Reynaud, Dipl.-Ing.; Ferika Rahiem; Frank Fladerer, Dipl.-Ing.; Christopher A Buckley, Prof) - Multi-stakeholder Approach to Sustainable Sanitation Planning - An Application of Analytic Hierachy Process (Pham Ngoc Bao, Ph.D; Toshiya Aramaki, Professor; Keisuke Hanaki, Professor) - Membrane Post-Treatment in an Anaerobic Baffled Reactor Treating a Synthetic Blackwater (Sudhir Pillay, Ph.D; Samuel Pollet, Ph.D; Katherine M Foxon, Ph.D; Christopher A Buckley) - ONSITE TREATMENT OF PIT LATRINE CONTENTS WITH AN ANAEROBIC BAFFLED REACTOR (Linda S Gaulke, Ph.D.; Kitty Foxon; Kirsten Wood; Sudhir Pillay; Andreas Schmidt; Dave Wilson; Chris Buckley) - MICROSCOPY AS AN AID IN UNDERSTANDING THE STATE AND PERFORMANCE OF AN ANAEROBIC BAFFLED REACTOR (Sudhir Pillay; Nicola Rodda; Kitty Foxon; Chris Buckley) - OPTIONS FOR THE AGRICULTURAL REUSE OF TREATED WATER FROM THE ANAEROBIC BAFFLED REACTOR (Irene Bame; Sudhir Pillay; Louis Titshall; Jeffery Hughes; Kitty Foxon; Chris Buckley, MScEng) - Night-soil Treatment-and-collection System with Micro-flush Toilets and its Current Situation in Japan (Hidenori Harada, Dr.; Shigeo Fujii, Doctor; Saburo Matsui, Ph.D) - Piloting Community Based Sanitation in the Lao PDR (Aurelie Pelletreau, Post M.D. Economics; Aurelie Pelletreau, Postgraduate MD. In Economics) - An Innovative Breakthrough for Domestic Wastewater: BIO-ROBIC's A/O FILTRATION SYSTEM (Parinya Nilwatcharaporn* and P.L. Lim) - Pre-fabricated on-site wastewater treatment systems made in Vietnam (A. V. Nguyen, PhD.) - A Comparison of Faecal Sludge Treatment Methods in Indonesia Under Technical and Economical Aspects (Hernita Nasir, M.Sc; Heinz-Dieter Olbrisch, PhD) - Institutional and Organisational Approach to Decentralised Waste Water Treatment in Vietnam (Frank Pogade) - Performance of wastewater treatment with a constructed wetland for a resettled community in the Philippines: efficiency and reuse potential (Jonah S Butler, BA) - Pro-Poor Septic Tanks for Urban Areas – Modular Units: Program of Urban Sanitation & Hygiene Promotion (PUSH) Mercy Corps (Mrs. Suryani Amin, Msi & Mr. Doddy Suparta, ST)
Technical Options - Decentralized Wastewater Treatment as a Sanitation Solution for Challenging Environments (Enrico R Djonoputro, BSc.; Reini F Siregar, BSc.; Ikabul Arianto, MSc.; Isabel C Blackett, MSc.; Almud Weitz, MSc) - Evaluation of the Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Plants in Four Provinces in Indonesia (R. Rochmadi 1), I. Ciptaraharja 1), T. Setiadi) - Sustainable technical options for effective decentralized waste water treatment system (Dr. Pawan Kumar Jha, Advisor Technical Sulabh International Academy of Environmental Sanitation & Public Health, India) - A decentralized grey water treatment and reuse system in a residential area for landscaping and environmental purposes (Xiaochang C Wang; Rong Chen; Honglin L Yuan; Bingbing B Cheng) - Evaluation of Biogas Sanitation Systems in Nepalese Prisons (C. Lohri*, Y. Vögeli*, A. Oppliger**, R. Mardini**, A. Giusti**, C. Zurbrügg) - Decentralised Wastewater System - new concepts and technologies for Indian Conditions (Dhinadhayalan Murugesan, M. Tech.; Dhinadhayalan Murugesan, M.Tech) - Emergency Sanitation (Joerg Haucke) - Treatment and re-cycling of sludge from urban decentralized sanitation facilities (Andreas Schmidt) - History and current situation of night soil treatment systems and decentralized wastewater treatment systems in Japan (X.M. Yang*, A. Morita**, I. Nakano**, Y. Kushida* and H. Ogawa) - Kariba Sanitation Project, Zambia (Banda Ian Nzali, Phiri Bernard, Gonga Sam, Mulenga Jackson) - THE ROLL OF ALKALINITY IN THE STABILITY OF THE OPERATION OF ANAEROBIC BAFFLED REACTORS (Kitty Foxon; Chris Brouckaert; George Ekama; Chris Buckley) - Septic Tank Effluent Treatment by Subsurface Horizontal Flow Wetland (Ellina S. Pandebesie *) and Ni Wayan Budi Arie - Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, Kampus ITS) - Baffled Septic Tank with Anaerobic Filter (BASTAF) and Horizontal Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland for Domestic Wastewater Treatment in Vietnam (Viet-Anh Nguyen*, Antoine Morel**, and Karin Tonderski) - Urine separation - opportunities for developing countries (Mariska Ronteltap, PhD; Mariska Ronteltap, Ph.D)
Post Date : 26 Maret 2010