Condominial Water and Sewerage Systems: Costs of Implementation of the Model

Pengarang:Vivien Foster
Penerbit:Peru, Water and Sanitation Program Andean Region, 60 hal
No. Klasifikasi:628.2 FOS c
Kata Kunci:paper, water, sewerage system
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL


Executive Summary

1. Introduction

2. Description of the El Alto Pilot Project
    Project Setting
    Timing of the Pilot Project
    Services Provided
    Condominial Approach

3. Evaluation Methodology
    Condominial versus Conventional
    Different Analytical Perspectives

4. Cost Differential
    Financial Costs
    Economics Costs

5. Consumption Differentials
     Estimating the Consumption Differential
     Valuing the Consumption Differential

6. Evaluation
    Social Perspective
    Utility's Perspective
    Consumer's Perspective

7. Conclusions

Cost Annex

Post Date : 21 Februari 2006