Communication, Water, and Sanitation in Latin America: The Contribution of Communication for Development in Water Resource Management and Service Implementation Projects

Pengarang:Rafael Obregon, dll
Penerbit:Peru, Water and Sanitation Program Latin America and the Caribbean, May 2008, 30 hal
Tahun Terbit:Th. 2008
No. Klasifikasi:621.3976 OBR c
Kata Kunci:laporan studi, communication, water, sanitation, Latin America
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL, Telp. 021 - 31904113

This report summarizes the results of a study on the role played by CfD (Communication for Development) in water and sanitation projects and programs in Latin America based on a review of 39 case studies and on documented experiences in this field. The specific objectives were as follows:
1. Distil the lessons learned and identify factors of success, limiting factors and weaknesses, and
2. Provide data and evidence of the added value and relevance of communication for development in the water and sanitation sector.



1. Introduction

2. Communication, Water, and Sanitation in Latin America
2.1 The evolution of communication for development in Latn America
2.2 New trends of CfD in Latin America

3 Outcomes of the analysis
3.1  Recent trends: A unifying paradigm
3.2  Main findings

4 The contribution of communication for development to the sector in Latin America
4.1 Experiences focused on behavioral change
4.2 Communication in support of reform processes
4.3 Communication to promote civil society participation and good governance
4.4 Communication and infrastructure

5 Lessons learned and future challenges



Post Date : 31 Maret 2009