City Development Strategies to Reduce Poverty

Penerbit:Philippines, Asian Development Bank, June 2004
Tahun Terbit:Th. 2004
No. Klasifikasi:307.14. 025.174 ASI c
Kata Kunci:CD, poverty, city development strategies
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL, Perpustakaan ISSDP
Kategori:Compact Disc

CD ini merupakan versi audio visual dari buku "City Development Strategies to Reduce Poverty". This report, "City Development Strategies to Reduce Poverty", represents the final output of the RETA. It starts with a brief review of ADB's involvement with the CA, focusing on urban strategy and poverty reduction and on CDS and CWS programs, and examines urban growth and poverty in Asia and in the three participating countries. Chapters on the institutionalization of the CDS and the integration of CWS programs follow. Specific case studies for the five cities are documented in separate chapters, which are summaries produced by the consultants from original documents prepared by the participating cities. Lessons learned from RETA are presented in some detail in what is considered the key chapter of the report. Finally, recommendations are made regarding the way forward, particularly for ADB. All five cities agreed on the importance of improved governance and increased public participation to ensure that the benefits of development are available across the community, particularly to the poor. Content: ADB and the Cities Alliance Executive Summary Responding to Urban Growth and Poverty The City Development Strategy Cities Without Slums Program Case Studies Lessons and Conclusions The Way Forward Resources

Post Date : 10 Maret 2008