Can the Principles of Franchising be used to Improve Water Supply and Sanitation Services? - A Preliminary Analysis

Pengarang:Meike van Ginneken, Ross Tyler and David Tagg
Penerbit:USA, The World Bank Group-Water Supply & Sanitation Sector Board-Bank Netherlands Water Partnership (BNWP), 2004, iv + 16 hal
Tahun Terbit:Th. 2004
No. Klasifikasi:623.854 GIN c
Kata Kunci:paper, water supply, sanitation
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL


1. Introduction

2. The Water Supply and Sanitation Sector
2.1 Characteristics of the Water Supply and Sanitation Market
2.2 Institutional set-ups in the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector
2.3 Specialized Support Mechanism for Water Operators

3. Franchising

4. Applying Franchising in The Water Supply and Sanitation Sector
4.1 packages
4.2 Actors
4.3 Markets

5. Arrangements for Franchising in the Water Supply and sanitation Sector
5.1 Models
5.2 Contract Design
5.3 Fees
5.4 The Long-Term Link
5.5 Relation to other actors

6. Conclusions and Next Steps
6.1 Conclusions
6.2 Next Steps

Post Date : 21 Februari 2005