Buildings recycle water to save money, environment

Sumber:The Jakarta Post - 31 Agustus 2009
Kategori:Air Minum

The city administration has increased groundwater taxes to between six and 16 times existing rates for non-business entities, small and large businesses, in a move aimed at controlling groundwater consumption, blamed for Jakarta's subsiding land levels.

Under the new tax, households must pay up to Rp 8,800 (US 88 cents) per cubic meter of water, 16 times the current rate of Rp 525 per cubic meter, while businesses must pay up to Rp 23,000 per cubic meter, or about six times the current rate (Rp 3,300 per cubic meter).

A number of building managements who have abandoned artesian wells recommended water recycling to other building managers.

Automotive conglomerate Astra International spokesperson Yulian Warman said one of their main policies for water management at the Astra International building in Jakarta was to reduce, reuse and recycle water.

Since the completion of its construction in 1997, the Astra International building in Sunter, North Jakarta, has used no bore water.

"We treat waste water and reuse it to water the garden," Yulian said. The same goes for the water in the fountain, he said.

For its water use reduction policy, the building uses automatic taps for bidets, he said. They also keep the water debit for toilets in line with their standards. "We also maintain the water pipes so there are no leaks, and publicize these policies to all building users," he said.

The Astra International building has two towers with 8 levels and a 6-level parking lot.

Yulian said the company aimed to reduce its water usage each year. The company targeted to reduce water use in 2009 to an average 2,800 cubic meters per month, from 3,110 cubic meters per month last year, he said. Between January and August the company has used 2,767 cubic meters of water on average per month.

Similar water management practices have been implemented by PT Buana Sakti, the owner of Sampoerna Strategic Square.

PT Buana Sakti project director and general manager Agus J. Alwie said the building had stopped using its artesian bore in late 2007.

Sampoerna Strategic square, with its 32 stories and two towers, consumes around 400 cubic meters of water per day, Agus said.

Water used in toilets is treated and recycled to be used for watering the garden and for the air conditioning cooling tower, he said

The company chose to stop using its artesian bore because they were concerned with the land subsidence problem in Jakarta caused by groundwater extraction and pressure from buildings, Agus said.

"We are trying not to contribute to Jakarta's land subsidence problems," he said.

Jakarta Environmental Management Agency (BPLHD) recorded that land in several areas in Central Jakarta and North Jakarta had subsided by up to 2 meters in the past 17 years.

Meanwhile, household goods producer PT Unilever Indonesia corporate general affairs manager Frans L Kansil said in his company's staff were reminded to save water.

"The company has put up posters about saving water on each floor, and runs articles on water saving in the company's internal magazines and email messages," he said. Prodita Sabarini

Post Date : 31 Agustus 2009