In 2006-2007, the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) initiated research to identify barriers to service delivery for the urban poor. The findings of the research have been presented in the Guidance Note on Improving Water Supply and Sanitation Services to the Urban Poor in India. The Urban Global Practice Team of WSP decided to expand the ambit of this reserach to a global context as the learnings were relevant to experiences across Afica, Latin America, and East Asia and the Pacific.
The Guidance Notes are based on an in-depth research of various initiatives from across the world (including South Asian, African, Latin American, and East Asia and the Pacific countries) and consultations with urban poor communities. The present volume is a documantation of this research and supports the Guidance Notes on Services for the Urban Poor.
This volume is an extended version of a previous WSP publication, Global Experiences on Expanding Services to the Urban Poor.
Section 1. Case Studies on Improving Water Supply and Sanitation Services for the Urban Poor 1. Parivartan: Slum Networking Project 2. The Slum Sanitation Program: Reaching the Poor through Sustainable Partnerships 3. PROSANEAR: Combining Community Participation and Low-Cost Technology 4. Federation of Water Associations: Giving the Poor a Voice 5. Orangi Pilot Project: The Poor Invest in Their Future 6. Kalyani: No Subsidy Sanitation Leads to Open-Defecation-Free Slums 7. Community-Managed Toilets: Solving Sanitation Problems of Urban Poor Communities 8. The Hyderabad Metro Water Supply and Sewerage Board: Organizational Reform for Improved Service Delivery 9. National Water and Sewerage Corporation: Utility Reform Helps the Urban Poor 10. Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board: Service Delivery in Slums 11. Nongovernmental Organization-Assisted Water Points: Social Intermediation for the Urban Poor 12. Alandur Municipality: User Contributions in Infrastructure Development 13. Jamshedpur Utilities and Services Company Limited: Innovative Initiative to Provide Adequate Water 14. Temeke District: Community-Managed Water and Sanitation Program 15. Water for All: Community-Managed Water Services 16. Programs to Serve the Poor Urban Areas of Lima: Alternative Water Management Models 17. Nyalenda Water Supply Project: Delegated Management Model 18. Water Trust Model: A Community-Based Initiative 19. Social Connections and Public Standpipes: Access to Drinking Water in Disadvantaged Areas
Section 2. Consultations with Urban Poor Communities
Scope and Methodology
Overall Findings
City-Level Findings
Post Date : 17 Mei 2010